Listing Roles
The process starts by a company (referred to as ‘the client’) listing an open role on the protocol and by attaching a recruitment bounty.
To be able to list a role on-chain, the client needs to first mint a ‘client’ account on chain using the following information:
The client name
The client metadata: website, socials, …
The wallet address of the admin of the client
The client’s referrer (optional: who brought this client to the platform)
A client can be brought on by a ‘client referer’, e.g. someone that made the client aware about Job Protocol and convinced them to list their open roles there. A client referrer is rewarded a part of the bounty when a hire is made for bringing on the client.
Once a client, the company can list a role on the protocol by providing the following information on-chain:
The client id to which this role belongs
The job title
The job description (the JD)
The list of requirements
The bounty (consisting of the ‘referral bounty’ and the ‘network fee’)
The status: live - hidden (not accepting (more) candidates) - closed
The wallet address of the hiring manager
A role is minted on-chain and by default is in the ‘hidden’ state. Associated with the role is an escrow wallet, on which the client deposits the referral bounty + network fee. As soon as the bounty is deposited in the smart contract, the client can change the status of the role to ‘live’.
The hiring manager is the contact at the client that is responsible for the role. This person needs to be public and verified (e.g. through Proof of Humanity or other means), to guarantee that this person indeed works at the client (and is not making some kind of honey trap to find great candidates by misusing the client’s reputation), and because their reputation as a hiring manager should be on the line as an extra protection mechanism to act in good faith.
Last updated